How To Scrape Emails From YouTube Channels

illustration for article on how to scrape emails from youtube channels

Searching for YouTube channels and collecting email addresses manually can feel like an overwhelming task. With the sheer volume of channels and multiple channel attributes to consider, it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack. It’s time-consuming, labor-intensive, and impractical due to YouTube’s limitations. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use Prospety to automate YouTube channel discovery and email scraping at scale, even if reCaptcha protects the emails.

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illustration for article on how to scrape emails from youtube channels
How to Extract Emails From YouTube Channels

Import your channel list

If you’ve got a file containing YouTube channel URLs, you can easily upload it to our system. Once uploaded, our system will automatically scrape emails and other important information associated with each channel.

Here’s how you can start a new import-type search:

To begin, go to the “Searches” page, and there you’ll find a button labeled “New search.” Just click on it to get started.

pressing new search button

Choose the YouTube social network, and then click on the “Import” button.

selecting import YouTube channels from file option

Give your search a clear and descriptive name.

entering search name

Upload a CSV or XLSX file that includes YouTube channel URLs. Make sure your URLs follow one of these formats: or

importing file with YouTube channel URLs

Click the “Continue” button to begin your search.

Find channels that match specific criteria

If you have specific requirements for channels, you can initiate a new search based on certain criteria that channels must meet. With this search type, you can explore channels from our extensive database, which contains over 3 million channels. This search option enables you to target even the most niche channels.

Follow these steps to discover channels that fit your criteria:

Similarly to importing, navigate to the “Searches” page and start a new search by clicking the button labeled “New search.”

Pick the YouTube social network, then choose the option labeled “Discover channels by criteria.”

selecting discover channels by criteria option

Name your search so you can easily identify it later.

Refine your search criteria to target channels that are most relevant to you. Utilize keywords, standard YouTube categories, and other attributes of channels to get the most accurate results.

updating basic search settings

If you’re not happy with the number or relevance of matches, you can turn on the advanced search. This gives you more options to filter your results even further. You can use advanced keyword matching, viewership, and uploading filters.

updating advanced search settings

Click on the “Preview channels” button to see channels that match your search criteria

previewing youtube channels that match criteria

When you’re content with the channels you’ve previewed, click the “Continue” button to start your search.

Search results

Once you begin your search, the results will start appearing. You can see and export channels with emails and other information whenever you want by clicking the “View channels” button.

pressing view channels button to view scraped youtube channels and their data

If you don’t see results right away or if your search takes a bit longer, don’t worry. Our system is working on different tasks in the background, and some of them might take time, especially if an email scraper is involved.


With Prospety, you can import your YouTube channel lists to extract their emails or explore channels from our database. This way, you can save both time and resources.

If you have questions, check out our FAQ section for answers.

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